Cooperative way is the Solution

- By Bahram Maskanian

Definition of Cooperation And Cooperative:
Is to work, or take action together toward achieving a common purpose, through an association and cooperation of persons, and or organizations for achieving a political, social, or economic, goals, benefiting a common good, cause, or purpose.

A Cooperative, or Co-Op effort is the work done through cooperation with others, relating to, or formed as cooperatives enterprises, or organizations, which will be jointly owned and managed by the employees and local population, such as but not limited to; cooperative radio and news groups, cooperative organic farms, cooperative stores, cooperative apartment buildings, cooperative preventive healthcare clinics, cooperative factories, cooperative restaurants, cooperative record label, cooperative music and film production, etc.

Co-Op Marketing:
Cooperative (Co-Op) marketing philosophy is based on the 4 pillars of common sense principles, ethical standards, loyalty and mutual respect. One could become a trendsetter and treat one's customers in a straightforward fashion, with respect and honesty. And not use the many common practices of deception, to push for over consumption.  One example would be pricing one's products and services in a none deceptive and honest manners of $1, instead of $0.99.

Co-Op Time Bank:
Cooperative Time Bank must be instituted among cooperative organizations and or bartering community members to keep records of time investments in the bartering community.  The bartering members can at anytime recoup any and all time she / he has invested in the community, recorded by the Time Bank.  Time invested in cooperative organizations by a carpenter, or truck driver shall be valued as equal to time invested by a lawyer, or a doctor, or the bank's accountant / timekeeper.  All invested times of all different skills and professions must be counted as equal in value, meaning one hour equals one hour.

Cooperative Management:
I am an unyielding believer of a management philosophy based on mutual respect, kindness, loyalty, support, encouragement and reward, equal respect and equal benefits for all cooperative employees.  No use of fear, intimidation, insults or pressure to lower employee’s wages.  Instead, one must constantly encourage the spirit of teamwork and cooperation.  All major decisions must be made with the consent of the majority of the employees.  There should be 65% majority vote necessary for any major decision to pass and become organization’s policy.

All employees must participate, learn and become fully aware of all aspects of different department’s obligations and involvements in the organization’s day-to-day operation.  Employees should learn about each other's work and responsibilities through temporary job rotation done every few months, until such time that they all know how to support and help each other seamlessly.  All employees should realize that cooperation brings out the best in all of us, but competition brings out the worse, therefore the cooperative’s team motto should be, “one for all, and all for one”.

Definition of Greed:
Greed is idiotically short sighted, greed is unreliable, greed is highly selfish, greed is blind, greed is destructive, greed is criminal, greed knows no limit, greed is endless and highly unethical. Greed's endless criminal selfishness and predatory practices have already given us many wars, Global Warring and Global Warming, which have brought humankind to the brink of self-annihilation. - Greed could be best describe as one's narcissistic excessive desire to acquire, or possess far more than what one needs and deserves, especially with respect to material wealth and worldly possessions. - Greed grows in the absence of ethical standards, common sense, compassion and morality, which leads to suppressing the urge in one's conscience to prefer doing right, over wrong. - Many believe, as I do, and attach to competition, the stigma of selfish greed. - Humanity must choose Cooperation for survival instead of Competition, in order to stop greed in its tracks and bring humanity closer together out of the danger zone of the war of self-annihilation.

Things that will destroy humanity are:
Politics without principle;
Pleasure without conscience;
Wealth without work;
Knowledge without character;
Business without morality;
Science without humanity;
And worship without sacrifice. - - Mahatma Gandhi - (1869-1948)

The Vital Role of Women

- By Bahram Maskanian

Defenseless innocent women and children are, and have always been the first innocent victims of poverty, ignorance, mediocrity, stupidity and violence. The oppressive and brutal treatment of women prescribed in all of the patriarchal man-made misogynist religions is the main cause of social backwardness in many countries practicing the said barbarism. We must put an end to this male savagery, violent and tragic treatment of women and children. We must empower and educate women and provide the required funds and knowledge for creating, managing, maintaining and growing women unions and organizations all over the world.

We must inform and educate men everywhere, and help men to evolve and realize that women are our Mothers, Sisters, Friends, Partners and equal human beings in every sense of the word.  Men need to learn that women must be revered, respected, honored and treated as absolute equal.

Men must learn that women are autonomous human beings, fully capable of making their own decisions and charting their own destiny.  Humanity, particularly men, must be educated and woken up, in order to realize and appreciate the enormous contributions women have and are making every single day, to human advancement and civilization.

We must learn and realize that, educated women will stop over population.  Educated women shall eradicate poverty.  Educated women shall raise intelligent caring children, guaranteeing a better future for all of humanity.  Educated women are precious and much needed friends and life partners for their counterpart.  Educated women would create prosperous communities for all citizens.  Educated women will stop our on going environmental degradation, and much, much more.

Women are more than half of the world’s population.  Women are half of the world’s wisdom, talent, brain-power, productive and creative energy.  But sadly, not included in the day-to-day social, political and economic decision making equation.  True human rights, female equality, democracy, democratic rule of law and economic prosperity requires women participation and will be achieved far faster, better and more effectively if women are equal participants and partners in these efforts.

Humanity cannot operate intelligently, fairly and democratically in a sustainable fashion, while hopping on one leg, blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, with one hand tied behind our backs, using only half of our collective brains.  I believe humanity needs to begin healing women soul by recognizing women, justly and deservedly as absolute equal human being.

Women must be present and represented fairly and equally in all aspects of social, political and economic forums, governmental and social institutions through equal representation.  For example in the United States, each state elects 2 senators and for every 100,000 citizens, 1 representative is elected and sent to U.S. Congress.  This configuration must be change now, making it mandatory to elect 1 female and 1 male senator from each state, and for every 200,000 citizens, 1 female and 1 male representative to be elected for U.S. House of Representatives.  In short the 500 members of U.S. Congress MUST consist of 250 female and 250 male senators and representatives, only then we can boast about beginning to respect and protect human rights and gender equality!

Female primary compass is her own inner guidance. As she learns to quiet the outer misogynist patriarchal lies and other negative distortions, she begins to amplify her own inner guidance signals, thus hearing the voice that naturally knows and offers wisdom, reason, common sense and compassion.

Womankind = + Mankind = Humankind

Iranian Women on the Frontline

Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam

The 3 barbaric, Abrahamic, Adam and Eve based, misogynist, man-made, patriarchal religions: Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam are, and have always been the agents and promoter of ignorance, hate, violence, rape, murder, plunder, mediocrity and stupidity.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth Tons of Cure - Child Abduction and Slavery Prevention

- By Bahram Maskanian - May 06, 2011

Naturally children are highly sociable innocent little angels. Children are very inquisitive, loving and trusting. Children are obedient by nature and lookup to adults for guidance and supervision. Children are highly vulnerable, due to the fact that if they are not properly informed and taught the necessary knowledge, they would not know what to do, if and when the time comes to protect them selves.

There are all kinds of sociopath criminals, like: kidnappers who want to have a child for themselves, or sell the child for money to others. There are pedophile child molesters. There are pimps, slave traders, and soulless murderers. - All evils done to children begins with abduction, leading to unimaginable terrorizing and horrible outcomes, such as: child molestation, child slavery, sex slaves, forced prostitution, slave labor, and premature agonizing death to sell the child's body parts.

To protect children from the above sociopaths, we must teach and train children lovingly, patiently, step-by-step, hands on and in a repeated fashion. We must always keep in mind that repeating certain vital safety points are necessary due to the fact that human brain development is almost complete when we reach the 25 years of age, which means up to that point of maturity, we should always be kind and patient guardians and teachers to get our point across.

We must be kind and never get upset if the learning speed is not what we had hoped for. Children learn at different rates, but one thing is for certain that kindness and patience goes a long way. We must always remember that until our children reach 25 years of age their brain is growing and developing still.

By treating your children with love, care and respect, you are helping them to build a healthy level of self-respect and self-esteem early on in their young lives, gaining confidence in one's own worth, and abilities.  Teach your children the high value of discipline and respect in all aspects of life. This will prevent your children from falling victim into the hands of the criminal and greedy nation-less corporate dumbing down screens, machines, such as: POP, HIP-HOP, RAP's noises, thuggish, mind numbingly stupid, misogynous, criminal and disrespectful messages.  Television is not a babysitter, television is a dangerous hypnotizing device, turn it off.

We must protect our children by teaching and informing them of the following simple, but vital common sense principles, listed below to avoid abduction and to keep them safe from the sociopath evildoers of this world. An ounce of prevention is worth tons of cure.


  1. Never leave young children unattended. Teach your children the buddy system. Children should never go anywhere alone. Have your child practice the buddy system described at the end of this page.
  2. Teach your children that under no circumstances, no one is allowed to touch them anywhere.  No touching.  Only immediate members of your family, whom you know about, could show affection by holding, hugging and kissing children on their, cheeks, forehead, or top of their head, and never on the mouth and lips.
  3. You must get to know your children's friends. Watch your kids carefully. Know where they are at all times. Know whom they are with at all times. Get to know their friends and their friend's family, where they live, and their telephone numbers.
  4. Teach your children to avoid people they do not know, and never trust, or go anywhere with anyone they do not know well. Explain to your children that a stranger is someone whom you and your children do not know. That strangers must be avoided at all times.
  5. Never call your children: buddy, pal, etc. Children need adult guidance, and need to lookup to an adult mother and father figure, for support, love, attention, guidance and encouragement. Call your children affectionately by their first name, or call them: "my son", or "my daughter".
  6. Teach your children their full name and your full name. Home phone number including the area code and physical address from at least two different directions. Make sure she / he understand that in case of trouble if they are close to school they should run back to school and ask any of their teachers to call home for some one to come and pick them up. - Teach her / him how to use public phones. Teach her / him help may be available by simply dialing "911", or "0".
  7. Children should not have a cell-phone. Cell-phone use causes brain cancer and many other deadly neurological disorder and diseases. It has been proven over and over again that Cell-phone use is highly carcinogenic and dangerous even for adults and much more so for children under 19 years of age. Talk to your children about it and make sure your little angels understand the many hazards of cell-phone use. If for some insane reason you feel they should have a cell-phone, encourage them to use the landline phone at home and each morning give your children their cell-phones back, and teach them how to turn it on while walking to school, turn it off while in school and back on when coming back home. Keep your children cell-phones off, the rest of the times.
  8. One of many highly dangerous distractions is the use of music listening devices like iPod, cell-phones and similar devices while walking, going somewhere out side of the house. Teach your children the importance of being alert at all times. Teach your little angels that one must be vigilant and fully aware of one’s surrounding all the time, no exception.
  9. Teach your child that adults usually do not ask children for directions. Teach your children never talk to, or go close to a driver of a car, van, or any vehicle, and if your child is asked questions such as: an address, directions, or name of a street, or town, or if she / he is told that: "you look familiar, I think I know your parents, what is your name, where do you live?", etc.
  10. Teach your children when walking home to walk on one-way streets sidewalk, against the flow of traffic. Meaning if they are walking home, or going to school walk facing the flow of the cars and against the traffic, on the far left of the sidewalk. And on two way streets always walk on the sidewalk that is facing the incoming cars, against the traffics, on the far left of the sidewalk.
  11. Teach your children the traffic and pedestrian laws: when to stop at the traffic light, on the crossroads and when to walk across, and make sure to check streets with STOP signs before walking across. Teach them to never follow others when the light is still don't walk RED, even if there are no cars, always wait for the GREEN light to walk across. Even at the GREEN light and on one-way streets, teach them to check both sides of the street, before taking the first step and walking across.
  12. If your children must use public transportation, take a train and or bus. Teach them all safety rules and tips regarding the safe use of trains and buses. See if there are parents whose children goes to the same school / destination in your neighborhood using public transport and create a five member person volunteer parent group, so each one of you could take turns, one day per week to take the kids to school and another one to bring the kids back from school.
  13. Establish a well-defined and strict routine regarding who will pick up your child from school and be diligently consistent following through everyday. - Have your children school establish a "School Call Back Program" and visitor check-in policies.
  14. Create a small laminated ID card, containing your child’s first and last name, head shot picture, your home phone number and any other additional phone numbers you can be reached with no address. Make sure the said ID card is a permanent part of her / his inner clothing any time she / he is out side of your home.
  15. I am sure most parents know what "limp noodle" child having tantrum is all about? You know, how that goes, they drop to the ground pretending that their legs don't work, or hug their knee, or shopping cart, and acting up embarrassing you in public? This behavior is a very effective means of resisting a kidnapper, coupled with Grip, Dip & Spin. Illustrated below at the bottom of this page.
  16. Kids split-second reactions are incredibly important to protect themselves. Naturally we react by "fight, or flight" when we encounter threats. Escaping from the hands of a kidnapper without "fighting, or resisting" is unrealistic. In case of trouble, teach your children to either, scream for help, run as fast as they can to a public place, or fight, by trying to stop and resisting the kidnapper, by tightly hugging a tree, or street lamp post, or a parking meter, etc.
  17. Many adults and children, who have survived violent confrontations, reported that their first reaction for a brief short moment was no action, frozen in place. Proper and repeated teaching and training would fix and turn that crucial freezing moment into a quick response, that will save your child's life.
  18. Teach your children to play Grip, Dip & Spin and train with them regularly, a very effective technique to teach children and adults how to stop and prevent abduction. That if ever come to it, children would know how to embarrass the kidnapper trying to abduct them. Replacing the thought of "maybe I should do what kidnapper is saying" with the thought of "how can I escape" mindset.
  19. Never assume that: "something like this is not going to happen to me", thinking your child will not be abducted. To achieve an effective level of preparedness, you must always act as though it could happen to stay alert and ready at all times.
  20. Establish solid communication with your children. Develop open dialogue so she / he can confide in you in case of trouble. And have pictures taken on yearly bases of your preschooler children. Pictures should be updated quarterly.
  21. Keep records of fingerprints, footprints, dental and doctor information, birthmarks and birth certificates. You should keep copies of x-rays as hospitals do not keep such records for more than a few years.
  22. Inform your baby-sitters, or friends who are caring for your children, not to let your child to go anywhere, with anyone, but you.
  23. There is safety in numbers. Caution your children not to play in deserted places.
  24. Establish a family secret code, teach your children never to go anywhere with anyone who does not know the family "Code" word. Change the code word regularly and practice with your children how they should be using the code and responding to strangers.
  25. Make sure that your child does not have her / his name on any visible place such as clothing, or backpack, or any other belongings. Kidnappers should not know your child’s name. This would make it much harder for the stranger to fool your child and be on a first name basis, establishing trust with your child.
  26. Know as much as possible about your ex-spouse and her / his friends and relatives. Pay attention to threats of stealing the child. Watch for attitude changes and or unstable behavior in your ex-spouse. Be aware of how a life-style change by you or your spouse might affect her / him.
  27. Explain to your children that if they are home alone not to open the door for anyone except previously designated persons. This includes a salesperson, or delivery person.
  28. Teach your children never to answer the telephone and tell anyone that she / he is home alone. If someone should call, instruct your children to make a prepared statement such as, "Mommy and Daddy cannot come to the phone right now... can I take a message."
  29. Beware of any adult who is showering your child with an unusual amount of attention and or presents. No one should care more about your children than you do.
  30. Be aware that a pedophile is usually a criminal adult whose sexual preference is confined to molesting youngsters. The classic pedophile preys on runaways, or children from unhappy homes. He showers the child with affection. By the time sexual activity takes peace, the child is often an uncomplaining partner and it goes unreported. Please show your child appropriate amount of love, attention and affection.
  31. Teach your children that if they are being followed, not to hide behind bushes, trees, or cars, or in dark secluded places, rather go where there are people, or to a safe house they know.
  32. Teach your children that it is appropriate to "make a scene" if she / he senses danger from an adult. Teach her / him to yell "HELP!" or "I DON'T KNOW YOU!", very loudly, screaming.
  33. Teach your children the facts of abduction early. Children must be taught many safety tips and rules as they are growing up, for their own safety sake. REMEMBER KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Abduction prevention rules must be handled simply as another surviving facts of life. Another coping mechanism and skill, all children need to learn. Children need not to be fearful of abduction; rather they need to be alert and smart.

Physical Biological and Mental Immunity:
The case study of many abducted children has clearly shown that not all kidnappers grab children and run. The large majority of these criminals actually do use fake kindness and compassion, coupled with offers of, money, candy, or other goods, or services to lure children into their trap.

We all know that as children are growing up, they develop physical biological immunity against all kinds of bacteria and diseases in their body. But there is another form of immunity children need to survive just as much, which is intelligent information to be delivered to them through patience use of love, kindness and compassion, thus allowing your children to develop her / his mental immunity and wisdom to protect themselves against the bad elements of this world.

The idiotic means of tough-love, an environment full of fear and intimidation makes children highly vulnerable and easy prey for the criminals. Unappreciated and unloved children are highly susceptible, especially if children have suffered corporal punishment. You should never, ever hit your children. Let me reemphasize that again: you should never, ever hit your children. Never threaten, or intimidate your children to discipline them, it would never work, and it will back fire. Children's bad behavior is the clear reflection of who you are, how you have been treating, raising, and what you have been feeding your children.

In the absence of wisdom and mental immunity, the emotional vulnerability and the need for being loved, make your children open and eager to seek love and attention elsewhere. Trust you me, you do not want that.

Wisdom, A Neutralizing Force:
Wisdom is the only effective neutralizing force against fear, intimidation and injustice. Wisdom is the mental training and quality of having, or the ability of learning from the accumulated experiences, knowledge, and good sound judgments of others, made based on reason, common sense principles and ethical standards. Thus developing the quality of being wise and possessing the soundness of action, and or the ability to make wise ethical decisions with regard to the application of such experiences, knowledge, and good judgments. Wisdom is a mental quality not limited by age; anyone at any age and any profession can be wise, ignorant or stupid.

Democratic Rule of Law:
The best gift any democratic society can offer its citizens is the democratic rule of law. A democratic rule of law is a system of mutually agreed rules and regulations that must be based on reason, common sense principles, ethical standards, democratic values and ideology.

We, the people, as citizens of a democratic society and country vote for, approve and recognize our democratic rule of law as regulating means of actions and behavior of the citizens, enforced by the imposition of penalties.

Our civilization, personal freedoms, safety, property, security, democracy and culture is protected and held together by the rule of law. Protection of our social safety, health, progress and democratic principles and values requires a large majority of the citizens’ support and respect for democratic rule of law.

Teach your children what is the rule of law within the boundary of your home, and outside within your community. Teach your children the democratic principles and values. Run and regulate your home based on mutual respect, love, caring relationship and patience.

The Buddy System:
The buddy system is a procedure in which two, or more people, the buddies, operate together as a team, a single unit, so that they are able to monitor with a broader vantage point of view and help to protect one another.

In risky, or dangerous situations, where the buddies are often equals, the main benefit of the system is improved safety and security, each may be able to prevent the other becoming a victim, or casualty of a criminal attempt and rescue her / his buddy in a crisis.

When buddy system is used as part of training, or the induction of newcomers to the group, the less experienced buddy learns more quickly from close and frequent contact with the experienced buddy than when operating alone.

The buddy system concept is also applicable to maximize productivity and increase learning potential in a group working and or studying together.

Healthy Mind is in a Healthy Body:
Surrounded by all kinds of pollution these days, we should try very hard to at least make our home environment as healthy and clean as it can be for the sake of our children and our family. And please, if you are a smoker think of your little angels, your children, who need you, and stop smoking. Smoking is a very painful and gradual suicide. Alcohol and tobacco are tools of oppression and mass destruction. Alcohol is a highly effective poison used for killing all kinds of living organisms, such as, but not limited to: bacteria, germs and our precious blood and brain cells. Any time you feel the need to drink and or smoke, take a look at your little angels and think about the future of your family, think about the fact that your children's health and well-being would be at serious risk inhaling your smoke, and don’t. Please try to remember this very simple fact that healthy mind is in a healthy body and lead your family by setting good and positive example.

Loving & Nurturing Orphaned & Abandoned Children

- By Bahram Maskanian

I am an advocate of reason, common sense principles and ethical standards. - One of my highest priority goals and dreams has always been to replace the deplorable orphanage houses, with loving and nurturing homes.  To build a residential art and educational village, surrounded by open green fields of an organic farm, home for adopting the forgotten little angels, to love, care for, nurture and educate our orphaned and abandoned vulnerable children.  Called: The Venus Project Village.

I have always adored and loved children, all children.  No matter the race, color, or creed. Whenever I come across little angels, I truly feel that they are all my children.  I am sure we can all agree that our angels’ well-being and welfare is our highest and most important responsibility.  They need our love, care, attention and good healthy foods, clean water, clean air and happy loving upbringing, deserved by our children.  Which are life’s basic and essential elements for raising healthy, smart, caring, well-balanced, creative, productive and loving children.  The next generation of tomorrow who are destined to inherent Planet Earth.

I strongly believe that our lives’ objective as human species is to learn, evolve and grow wiser.  The first task is learning how to improve our social, political and economic conditions, and relations with one another.  Meeting this goal requires a paradigm shift, a fundamental change in our approach to childcare, children upbringing and education. Which means we, the people, need to develop a new all-inclusive social motherhood to ensure full development of every child and individual, to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

"What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred, what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice towards those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or black." -- Robert F. Kennedy, 1968

Community, Cooperation and Compassion:
A healthy, harmonious community and society is built upon solid foundations of mutual respect, cooperation, compassion, love, common sense principles and ethical standards.

A community with the said characteristics preserves and protects public good and safety.  Strength of community and its unifying powers scares those who wish to influence, control and mislead our communities to protect their own ill-gotten reins and political powers.  Thus they would do all it takes to divide and conquer the public, fracture and destroy communities in order to preserve their political and economic dominance.

The broken scattered peaces of destroyed communities are single mothers, orphaned and abandoned children, ignorant and illiterate teenagers, teenage thugs and rampant life of crime, drugs, narcotics, tobacco and alcohol abuse.  We must wakeup now, to stop our communities from braking up and lend a hand to mend the broken ones.  We must be alert at all times to guard, protect and preserve our respective communities and societies.

Drugs, Narcotics, Tobacco and Alcohol:
The evil nation-less corporations have successfully concealed the fact that the key to a healthy, happy and prosperous life; is a life without crime, drugs, narcotics, tobacco and alcohol.  The absolute fact is that these deadly products are tools of oppression made to destroy our brain and physically change our body’s biochemistry, transforming us to a raving stupid baboon.

The mass nation-less corporate media feeds on this by releasing movies and many other programs celebrating and promoting crime, drugs, narcotics, tobacco and alcohol abuse, countless times each day, to keep the public hooked and numb public’s mind, lowering folks’ mental ability, causing cognitive impairment, which is the desired foggy mental condition, for maintaining unclear and indecisive character and personality within the general public.  In other words deliberately rendering the masses addicted, hopeless, helpless and keeping the population down and on a tight leash.  Countless children are orphaned, or abandoned by parents lost to the life of crime, drugs, narcotics, tobacco and alcohol abuse.

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child:
There is absolutely no doubt, that indeed it does take a village to raise healthy children.  We are hard wired for needing to belong and be a part of a community larger than our immediate family.  Our species would not have survived, had it not been for our strong sense of community building and belonging to one.  Next to food, air and water, community is the fourth essential element for preserving and protecting the humanity and our future.

The orphaned and abandoned vulnerable children must be given reason to belong, to love and to hope.  Precisely the reason why I want to create a loving and nurturing environment conducive to stimulating, reenergizing and rejuvenating the young innocent minds and souls of our little angels, our children.  Raising orphaned and abandoned children of today into healthy, smart, caring, loving, creative and responsible adolescents of tomorrow fully aware of their potential and the world around them.  Fully prepared to take charge and except responsibility for their families, communities and the environment in which we all live.

Feelings of Abandonment and Alienation:
Most of us have already experienced the very difficult feelings of abandonment and alienation, in one form, or another.  In the absence of a family and community the feelings of fear and alienation encourages us to look for safety in the closest form of family and community we can find, to belong, feel part of a family and feel safe.  Often times for obvious reasons the criminal and destructive behavior of the said family is overlooked and in time the abandoned vulnerable children are desensitized and grown to accept the criminal behavior as normal day-by-day events.

Life of crime is and has always been a social conditioning, not a biological makeup of any child, an undeniable fact.

The Evaporating Middle Class:
The backbone of a strong and healthy community is the working middle class.  But due to criminal and greedy conduct of a very small and shortsighted group, the upward mobility in our society has been crushed and stopped dead at its tracks.  The middle class have been lied to and made to believe that it is actually their fault that their pension and life savings has been stolen by the Wall Street goons, or the business they worked hard to build, now exported overseas, enriching others elsewhere, was a good decision for the economy.  But for whose economy???  And that downward mobility and losing all you had is what you deserve, nothing personal, that is just business!!!

Pull Yourself Up By Your Own Bootstraps:
The very same millions of middle class folks who have been robbed of their social, economic and political powers are constantly told: “you must pull yourself up by your own bootstraps”.  But since our bootstraps are no longer controlled by us. There are no bootstraps, nothing there to pull ourselves upwards with.

Also due to the said conditions, the supportive caring family and community some of us were lucky enough to experience, our grandparents day, our safe loving village, our open door and safe neighborhoods, where people knew and supported each other, where they shared each others joys and sorrows, good times and bad times, in many places is now non-existence.

Under relentless economic pressure, moving downwards, as the prices of essential goods are moving upwards to enrich the already supper-rich greedy billionaires even richer.  Causing huge economic disparity and rampant poverty, targeting our innocent vulnerable children.

Our community and society at large are under constant attack by the media trying to divide and conquer the ranks of the middle class.  We are kept at each others' throat, busy fighting each other, therefore there would be no time and energy left to turn our attention to where the problems lies.

Outsourcing and the New Jobs Added:
The criminal greedy billionaires have accelerated the rate of plunder of the Divided States of America immensely, since: Ronald Regan-1980.

Behind every great billion dollar fortune, lies a great on going unreported and unpunished crime, coupled with a great deal of pain and sorrow, inflicted upon the working people.

The so-called new better jobs added to U.S. economy are few and far in between, at the bottom of the economic scale. Meanwhile after the economic depression of 2008, caused by the very same criminal elites, after plundering the nations treasury and given everybody the finger, they continue to receive billions of dollars in bonuses and benefits, doing what they have been doing best; robbing the nation, among others, through outsourcing of work and innovative technologies to other countries that have big enough economy to stand on their own, without any help from U.S. taxpayers dollars. Handed over to the criminal greedy billionaires in grants and tax credits to move industries overseas, reassemble the factories there and take advantage of their barbaric slave labor condition.

Divided nation, is a defeated nation, by the hands of its enemies, from with in.

Billionaires Publicity Stunt:
Yes, the criminal and greedy billionaire monarchy do on occasion give a tiny fraction of their vast ill-gotten billions, perhaps a few thousand dollars to cancer research and the arts. But also they pour millions into political scheme to keep the average workers from having a voice and getting a fair share, robbing working people from their pensions and their rights, such as: the right to organize and collective bargaining.

I have always believed that greed and greedy people are shortsighted and stupid. Here is a good example: billionaire monarchy changing the laws that protect clean water and clean air, to pollute freely, with no consequence to their ill-gotten billions, to make more billions by slaughtering our one and only home, planet Earth. Consequently, as the result of their greedy stupid actions, global warming is worsening and tons of cancer causing pollution and pathogens are released into our air and water, all over the world, contaminating our one and only home, Planet Earth. But they are creating a couple of showpiece jobs for the cancer research people.

The criminal and greedy billionaires are going to spend millions more in every election, to support the prostitute politicians who will take billionaires written policies and present them as his / her own patriotic policies of either the republicans and or democrats. Silencing the opposition voices, and ensuring the gap between billionaire monarchy and working folks grows ever wider.

Nation-Less Corporate Child Molestation:
The first victims of these economic and political assaults are the most important, but highly vulnerable population in our communities, our children.  Guided by the product marketers and advertisers in the mass media to become the next generations of stupid consumers. While our children are encouraged and pushed to view and perceive life of horrifying crime as a revered alternative to a dignified life that they all deserve.

Glorified Violence and Dehumanization of Women:
Glamorized assassins and murders, criminal gangs and gangsters, celebrating life of crime, drugs, narcotics, alcohol and tobacco abuse, along with mind-numbing, thuggish violent and highly misogynist gangster rap crap, constant dehumanization of women, preaching physical abuse: beating, rape and murder of women, referring to women as bitches and whores.  Constantly offering our children new violent glorified ways of raping, robbing, murdering and terrorizing the community and the society for power and financial gains.

The innocent, vulnerable and highly impressionable members of our community, our children are easily influenced negatively by watching movies and listening to these rap crap every day on television.  TV programs perpetrating and spreading hate, sexism, narcissism, fear, violence, murder and warmongering.  Our children see and witness those responsible: producers, directors, writers, actors and corporate movie production studios receiving awards and multi million dollars in income and compensation, going to bank rich, happy with a big smile on their faces, while due to their work, our entire social, economic and political infrastructure is crumbling and falling apart.

Now lets think about this for a minute, should these deliberately planned, orchestrated, destructive entertainment and activities, be called and classified as entertainment, or perhaps we choose the honest adjective and called it what it really is, terrorism?

Definition of Terrorism:
Terrorism is the deliberate act of terrorizing and deceiving the public through the use of any and all underhanded and criminal means to obtain unjust control of the political, economic, territorial and social powers of any given community / society. - Terrorism is the deliberate act of dismantling democratic rule of law, forcing the people to submission through the use of brutal violence, fear tactics, intimidation, rape and murder, terrorizing the defenseless civilian population; in the pursuit of unjust and criminal political, territorial and financial gains. - Terrorism is the clear sign and indication of the bankrupt character of a baseless and unjust political, economic, and social dogma of the terrorist perpetrators.

We Pay Now, Or We Pay Much, Much More Later:
We, the taxpayers are paying on average over $50,000 per prisoner, per year.  Many folks are surprise to hear that lots of nation’s so called: correctional facilities are now owned and operated by the Wall Street owned nation-less corporations. - Obviously it is in the best interest of these nation-less prison corporations to incarcerate more prisoners to make more profit for the nation-less Wall Street goons. - Even after so many years, I still have problem believing the stupid corrupt and greedy politicians gave away the nations prisons to bunch of evil nation-less corporations.  So you see, one way, or another, we are going to pay for our orphaned and abandoned children.  But it would be far more beneficial for our society at large and for our communities to pay to take good care of our orphaned and abandoned children now, before its to late, which would cost tiny fraction of $50,000 per year.  Hopefully one day soon close all prisons and in their place build schools and organic farms.

We must keep in mind that these nation-less corporate goons are always in pursuit of profit at any cost.  Which means they would do all they can to keep the prison population as high as it is possible. They have been building more prisons in the past 15 years than schools and colleges.  Nation-less corporate goons have access to many other divisions of their vast nation-less empire, such as: destructive entertainment, violent POP, HIP-HOP, RAP crap, movie studios, television and radio, alcoholic drinks, distilleries, tobacco, carbonated sodas, weapon manufacturers, carcinogenic foods, and in general constantly propagating and promoting a confrontational and violent way of life, etc. - They are using all of their vast tools to make sure we are constantly at each others' throats, thus keeping all of their prisons and hospitals full of ignorant participants and victims of their terrorist and terrorizing activities.

Art and Entertainment:
Well when you think about it, the phrase: Art and Entertainment does not really mean what it supposed to.  Depending on one's taste and preferences, not all forms of entertainment may be the right kind for the inquisitive mind.  There are lots of activities now days that fall into entertainment category.  Ranging from the stupid Bubble-Gum POP and RAP crap noises, to the ultimate warmongering, bloody, violent murder filled, complete waste of time crap, full of random images of violent murder and mind-numbing noises, are also sadly categorized as Art and Entertainment.

We are living in the era of lost causes and meaningless Art and Entertainment.  As so long as there are some random images moving about on the screen, coupled with some loud mind-numbing noises to fill in the time between commercials, until the next nauseating, deceptive and misleading advertizing message comes on.  I know what you are thinking, that is not Art and Entertainment, rather… I could think of and suggest a few alternative adjectives, to describe the large majority of what is called art and entertainment these days.

Unlike an engineer, or a doctor who must have a certain level of education, training and qualifications to qualify for working in their field, artists don't.  Talentless hacks whose only talent is defecating, or urinating, or both on a canvas, or glue other animals feces on the canvas, or nail a couple of soup cans to the wall, or simply buy a box of crayons and draw a few idiotic lines on a canvas, or become an actor, or bullshit artist are celebrated and called artists by the stupid people.  And the dumber the so-called artist the more popular they become.  But artist adjective is not enough for these conceited, egotistic morons.  They started calling themselves star, they soon became super-star, still not important enough, therefore they bestow upon themselves the mega-star adjective.  Stay tuned.  I hear the next one is going to be huge.  Keep in mind that Sun is a star, but compare to these morons Sun is not bright enough.

The Art and Entertainment, of the stupid people, by the stupid people, for the stupid people.

Cultural Degradation:
The highly celebrated and glorified culture of violence, deliberate ignorance, mediocrity, stupidity and apathy has reached its heist peak in the past decades, or so. - Jackasses and morons are receiving awards, high recognition and ton of money for proudly showing the whole world how stupid America has become. People actually go to movie theaters and pay good money to watch these collections of random imbecilities and noises.

This is at the time where more than ever before in our short and highly destructive patriarchal recorded history, where we require more intelligence and intellectual ability and powers to deal with Earth's many human caused problems, such as: over population, many environmental devastations and criminal madmen dictators, such as the Islamic Republic of mullahs in Iran in pursuit of atomic weapons!!!

Definition of Stupidity:
Stupidity is to continue doing the same task over and over again and expect different results each time.  Stupid, moron, idiot, imbecile, retarded, or a dumby does what stupid sees.  Stupid would never see what is, rather what he thinks should be. Stupidity is to be proud of not knowing.  Stupidity is willful ignorance.  Stupidity is the learned corruption of leaning.  Stupidity is the false confidence of knowing all there is to know. Stupidity is boasting to be a moron.

“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits”.
-- Albert Einstein

The choice is a simple one. - On our current path, we are destined to self-destruct. - To stop the American demise, it is incumbent upon us to stop celebrating and worshiping at the altar of ignorance, violence, apathy, mediocrity and stupidity, to save ourselves, thus save the nation and the world from the deadly outbreak of jackasses and proud morons. American greatness is due to its genius, not its stupidity.

Stupidity is Everywhere:
Stupidity knows no limits. Stupidity unimpeded, spreads in all levels of the society very quickly.  Stupidity has already spread far and wide, among all social classes in the United States of America.  Among the working middle class, poor and the conceited intellectual morons, the greedy small-minded, dim-witted, egotistic elites, and the stupid, shortsighted, narcissistic, greedy and criminal bankers, the nation-less corporate media / press and the nation’s politicians, they are everywhere, spreading at an alarming and dangerous rate.

As the caring members of our society, we must help to stop the spread of stupidity, and awaken our fellow citizens; to become aware of this wide spread and threatening reality. We must first learn the simple fact that money speaks. Every single day we vote with the choices we make, and with our money. Money is the paper ballot we use to vote for and approve of a service, product, personality, or an idea. We must learn and share what the definition of boycott is with others. And boycott the stupid idiotic services, products, personalities, and ideas. Shortly thereafter, the stupid moronic services, products, personalities and ideas shall all disappear, making room for the growth of smart viable ones.

Definition of Boycott:
Boycott, is an inherent right of the public to come together in unity abstaining from buying, using and or dealing with criminal merchants of stupidity, greed and perpetrators of destructive environmental, social, economic and political practices, currently plaguing the whole of humanity. - Boycott is an instrument of gaining political grounds and objectives. - Boycott is an expression of peaceful and constructive means of nonviolent protest to peacefully correct and replace the stupid and destructive environmental, social, economic and political practices with wide-range of all encompassing and prosperous smart policies and procedures.

Cognitive Abilities and Mental Capacity:
All children are born equipped with the same cognitive powers, mental abilities and capacities, regardless of the child's geographical area, race, color and creed. Provided of course if the child has had smart caring and loving parents. Particularly a smart healthy mother with a healthy diet, free from: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, artificial food additives and artificial sweeteners, coffee, carbonated sodas, bottled water, toxic cosmetics, cell-phones, microwave ovens, all products containing high fructose corn syrup, peanut products and all other forms of narcotics. A mother with the said characteristics who breast-fed her child at least for a period of 6 months, and lived in a healthy environment enjoying clean air, clean water and seasonal, local, healthy and preferably organic foods while pregnant and breast-feeding.

Absolute Fact About Stupidity:
Unlike the popular belief, stupidity is not an inherent attribute, rather caused by social and environmental conditioning. - Stupidity was perceived to be hereditary, caused by genetic.  But we now know that is not the case at all.  Given good organic healthy foods, adequate amount of love and attention, along with good enlightening education and daily exercise to any child, anywhere in the world, and you shall have a genius.

Religion and Its Hereditary Ignorance, Violence, Mediocrity & Stupidity:
The 3 barbaric, Abrahamic, Adam and Eve based, misogynist, manmade, patriarchal religions: Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam are, and have always been the agents and promoter of ignorance, hate, fear, violence, rape, murder, plunder, mediocrity and stupidity.  Furthermore, the barbaric 3 are also guilty of millions of people slaughtered and nations of innocent people massacred throughout the patriarchal history in the past 4,000 years until present time.  Claiming to know about, and of all there is to know.  Offering the ignorant gullible folks, or the brainwashed fearful and faithful, the so-called promised heaven after death.  An eternal utopian life, up in the sky, where one could look up with a telescope and see for oneself if there ever was one?  But to get to heaven you must be dead first?  Why doesn’t anybody ask the barbaric, pedophile 3 religious’ mullahs, if it is so, and there is a heaven to be had, so glorious, why these 3 religious’ pedophile mullahs are fighting so fiercely to have an utopian King-like life here on Earth?  Why try so hard to keep out of harms way to stay alive and not wanting to go to the heaven they are promising to the rest of us?  Why are they sacrificing others to die for their criminal plundering causes, and become so-called: “martyrs” and go to heaven?  If heaven does exist, and it is as good as they say it is, why aren’t all of the criminal 3 barbaric religious’ mullahs in a hurry to die and get there?  And leave us behind, alone here on Earth in peace for a change. - And that is the irony. - Word to gullible folks, fearful of religion, please read your religious manuals and learn the truth.

"Those who can make you believe religious absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." -- Voltaire

Immediate Need For Reform:
Reform begins with oneself. To remedy our problems we need to begin recognizing the sources, damages done and our responsibilities as members of our community and society at large, and act appropriately.  The few factual reasons mentioned in this article are what we should take into consideration for getting involved, to contribute and do what we can, to share the common responsibilities for building a better tomorrow and a better future for our children. The time is truly now!

"Evil shall triumph only when good people do nothing to stop it."

Please join me and help make the Venus Project Village a reality. Life is much easier and far more enjoyable when we are part of a network of friends and family, our neighborhood. It does indeed take a village, to work with and help the families in need to raise their children. As well as raising orphaned and abandoned vulnerable children. Helping our children weathering the storms of life.

Academic Curriculum:
Our children will be taught high-quality private school curriculum, plus: the arts, sciences, foreign languages, organic agriculture and crop rotation, the science of renewable energy, environmental conservation, forestry, food and nutrition, all aspects of civic education, the performing arts; music, musical instruments, dance, daily fitness exercise programs and sports until obtaining their high-school diplomas.

If by the time our first graduates are ready to attend college, we had not yet had the necessary funding to build the Venus Project College campus?  We shall have an office dedicated to securing scholarships for placing our children in colleges.

"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will." -- Frederick Douglass

Also read - Private Prisons Offer No Savings

Many samples of the elite and the mass media encouraging the simple folks to be stupid, irresponsible and even thuggish criminal for profit are all around us. The recent article: “The Gossip Machine, Churning Out Cash” published by the New York Times about the subject is a good read.

Learn more about toxic plastic and toxic cosmetics. Download this report by: - National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - and - National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA