
Psychopath Billionaires Watch The World Burn From Afar

Published: July 26, 2021

As the world burns due to the Global Reset Agenda supported by the technocrats who have formulated a plan to cull humanity, the criminal parasite ruling class are retreating to their billion dollar redoubts. It would be comparable to an arsonist burning down an entire city and gleefully returning to their home in the next town. There will be no investigation by the authorities. The authorities are in the elite's back pocket. Meanwhile, American citizens are slowly facing another unlawful forced mandatory vaccinations as the Great Reset Agenda pushes its psychosis onward.

To be happy, we have to be healthy first. To achieve that goal we should try to enjoy fresh herbs, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and avoid all kinds of alcohol, sodas, coffee, tobacco and processed foods. Our living environment should be WiFi, Wireless and Cellphone microwave electromagnetic radiation free. Our body can absorb naturally produced vitamins by consuming fresh vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, each of us have trillions of viruses and microbes, or microorganisms (gut flora) living in our intestines, or digestive canal, which help digest our food and produce vitamins and minerals our body needs. Artificial and or synthesized vitamins and foods are actually harmful. Also Garlic and Turmeric are two effective antibiotics, with no side effects.