
Secret CIA Studies Reveal Holographic Nature of Reality

The Gateway And HEMI - SYNC - Highly Suppressed,
Top Secret Studies Carried Out By The CIA and U.S. Army

In June of 1983, Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell was tasked by the CIA and U.S. Army, to work on and develop "The Gateway Method”, has been declassified. Document reveals the U.S. Army’s experimentation on feasibility of weaponizing meditative techniques for covert operations. The document clearly explains how one can begin to tap into as described as the compendium of pictorial records, or “memories,” of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings which has occurred since the beginning of time. By literally a technique described in the document as “Clicking Out". Learning remote viewing (ESP) extra sensory perception, developing the ability to tap into enormous energy, knowledge and information of the universe, the ability to heal oneself and others and more.

Download Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process - Approved For Release