
Dangers & Benefits Of Democracy: A Double Edged Sword

- By Bahram Maskanian - March 13, 2014

Democracy in U.S. is open conspiracy, driven by secret plan by CFR and its many members and subsidiaries, such as but not limited to democratic and republican political parties, to produce unlawful and harmful illusion of democracy, pitting people against each other, to effectively divide, conquer and rule with iron fist. The entire U.S. history is full of divisive and deadly overt and covert plots, carried out against the American people and many other nations around the world by the criminal elite.

National sovereignty, patriotism and love of country are in direct contradiction with the new world order, one tyrannical world government. At every chance through Hollywood, press and media, patriotism is discouraged, ridiculed and dismissed, even by using coercion to replace patriotism, with collectivism; the political principle of centralized social and economic control, especially of all means of production; which used to be known as communism.

The most moral and honorable thing on Earth is love and respect of one’s loved ones, family, home, community and country. Whenever you hear the prostituted politicians and the talking heads sounding the alarms, warning people of the rise of nationalism, lookout.

Every four years after an elaborate nationwide democracy show, a predetermined candidate who has been offering many promises to the ignorant masses is placed in the Whitehouse. Soon followed by some media outlets attacking the new administration and some admiring it. None of the promises would ever materialize, president will be blaming the other political party for his miserable failures, and this will continue until the next election.

This whole system of double edged sword democracy is founded and put in place starting 1913. From the very beginning the ultimate goal was and still is to establish a tyrannical communist world government. The most effective way of stopping it, is to educate and inform ourselves, loved ones and friends. And until we can successfully replace the current fraudulent election system, with an honest and legitimate election procedures, we should boycott all local and national elections.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - And the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it". George Orwell

Also see: Ballot Initiative, #Referendum