
Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch

Published: May 11, 2021

Today James answers a question about boycotts with an answer about buycotts. How do we flip the script on the boycott idea to make it about empowering the world we want rather than avoiding the world we don't want? And how do we create an effective buycott list?


Episode 275 – Solutions: Buycotts and Boycotts

Published: July 13, 2013

The battle against the New World Order is designed to demoralize us. No matter how we vote, no matter what politician we vote for, no matter what legislation gets passed, no matter what rallies people attend, nothing seems to fundamentally change. If anything, things only seem to be getting worse and worse. So how can we effectively fight back against the powers that shouldn’t be. The answer, it turns out, might be remarkably simple: stop feeding the beast. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the power of the boycott.

In the 60’s I compiled a ring folder depicting war/anti-human corporations and their subsidiaries; including such giants as GE, ARCO, IT&T, Monsanto, Dow and Nestle’s. After a few years it became unwieldy. Subsidiaries are constantly being sold and bought by other corporations and its very difficult to keep up.


Chart of American empire and its media

Food companies chart

Median ownership

Businesses with US Federal Contractor registrations

Self-Sufficiency: A Local Solution to a Global Problem