
Cold Fusion Hot Again - Reported by CBS 60 Minutes News Show

Published on September 11, 2013 - Cold Fusion Is Hot Again

A report on cold fusion -- nuclear energy, which powers the sun, but made at room temperatures on a tabletop, which in 1989, was presented as a revolutionary new source of energy that promised to be cheap, limitless and clean, but was quickly dismissed by the nation-less corporate goons, who used defective palladium in their experiments in order to prove Cold Fusion as junk science.

But today, scientists believe that cold fusion, now most often called low temperature fusion or a nuclear effect, could lead to monumental breakthroughs in energy production.

Successful Test of 1 MegaWatt Cold Fusion E-CAT - October 28, 2011

Published: October 31, 2011

We, the people of planet Earth, must rise-up and do this ourselves, right now, today! Our tax-money wasted and spent worldwide on: war, weapons, destruction, fossil fuel, nukes, bribes, plunder and bailouts amounts to: $1,864,592,488,503,009,778,021,599.00 - and rising..!

Lets read it out loud: $1,864,592,488,503,009,778,021,599.00 -- one septillion, eight hundred sixty four sextillion, five hundred ninety two quintillion, four hundred eighty eight quadrillion, five hundred three trillion, nine billion, seven hundred seventy eight million, twenty one thousand, five hundred ninety nine dollars of our paid tax-money is wasted and spent worldwide on: war, weapons, destruction, fossil fuel, nukes, bribes, plunder and bailouts.

Yet, money spent on Free, or New Energy Technology is .... $0.00

We, the people of planet Earth must rise-up to change that, we always must remember that the corrupt mindset, which created our current dangerous situation cannot and will not do what must be done, we have to do it ourselves.