
Mind Control, Religion, Fear, God, War, Divide and Conquer

- By Bahram Maskanian - November 14, 2017

During the past couple of thousand years the parasite ruling class observed how fear can be used to manipulate the masses to the masses own detriment. They also learned how to use the mythical religions to easily divide and conquer the ignorant masses. The nefarious Abrahamic religions Judaism and its two derivatives Christianity and Islam would have been long forgotten had it not been for the support and promotion by the warmongering parasite ruling class.

Preserving and prolonging religions to divide and conquer had worked very well. Sadly majority of people today are almost just as ignorant as their ancestors couple of thousand years ago. We, the people, must learn that blind obedience is dangerous and deadly. We must begin using reason and common sense, thus read the religious manuals before attempting anything that may harm us, or harm others.

Behind the scene the parasite ruling class enjoy their satanic parties, drinking booze, raping and sacrificing little innocent children, enjoy watching the blinded religious people continuously killing each other savagely, while claiming to be superior to their victims in the name of God. Without any consideration, whether or not their prescribed genocidal, blood thirsty God is authentic, or manmade.

Again, before accepting any religion, at least read the religious manual. You will be shocked if you did.! Look around you, notice the Divine’s illustrious, majestic, brilliant construct, life’s many unimaginable complexities, and ask yourself would the Divine responsible for all in the universe, be the bloodthirsty and cruel, as described in the savage manmade, atrocious scriptures.?

1897, the barbaric Judaism morphed into genocidal Zionism, determined to eliminate hundreds of millions of people on Earth (Eugenics) by any means possible. Reducing planet Earth’s population is and has always been one of the parasite ruling class main goals. Thus igniting revolutions, coup d'états, WWI, WWII, plus many other war after war, pursuing the political policy of never ending wars, gas-lighting humanity into thinking war is good, war is honorable, war is profitable, war is godly.!

War is evil, war is a racket, if every tribe on planet Earth in the past couple of thousand years were to act on their manmade evil scriptures false edicts, no one would have been left alive today.!

Portraying the Divine, the God of the Universe as written by the evil Semite men three thousand years ago, wrongly and maliciously claiming to be chosen people, is a colossal blasphemy.!

The psychopath religious mullahs accusing the Divine, the Mother Earth, the Holy God of never ending superior wisdom, perpetual consciousness, eternal capability and knowledge, falsely described in nefarious Torah is an unforgivable disgrace.

And remember: United We Prosper, Divided We Die.!

Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War

- By Greg Reese - November 07, 2023