
James Corbett Report - Episode 411 - States of Emergency

Published: February 12, 2022

As we enter the Age of Biosecurity, we find ourselves living in a state of emergency. But what does this actually mean? And what does it imply about our way forward? Find out more about this vital topic on this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

"The necessity with which we are concerned here must be conceived of as a state of affairs that, at least as a rule and in a complete and practically tically effective way, cannot be regulated by previously established norms. But if it has no law, it makes law, as another common expression sion has it; which means that it itself constitutes a true and proper source of law.... It can be said that necessity is the first and originary source of all law, such that by comparison the others are to be considered sidered somehow derivative.... And it is to necessity that the origin and legitimation of the legal institution par excellence, namely, the state, and its constitutional order in general, must be traced back, when it is established as a de facto process, for example, on the way to revolution. And what occurs in the initial moment of  a particular regime can also repeat itself, though in an exceptional way and with more attenuated characteristics, even after the regime has formed and regulated its fundamental institutions."
- Santi Romano. Quoted in - The State of Exception as a Paradigm of Government, page 27

State of Exception - By Giorgio Agamben