In the name of God, countless of horrific crimes committed in the past 3000 years

Published: April 05, 2024 - By Bahram Maskanian

Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.  Why this is true.?

Why history continue to repeat itself over and over again.?

Since the invention of Judaism 3,000 years ago, followed by fabrication of Judaism’s two derivatives Christianity and Islam, the genocidal history has indeed been repeating itself due to the fact that all aspects of our social and political concerns are influenced by the evil Judaism.  The solution to the problem is a simple one, read your religious manual.!

Religious manuals barbarism is enforced by the mullahs of the 3 manmade religions to preserve and maintain their grip on power. From mythical Adam and Eve to heaven and hell narratives are all designed to keep generation after generation of people on short leash, going around the same circle of fear and conformity, obedient to Judaism and its two derivatives Christianity and Islam masters.

Must never forget that Torah, New testament and Koran have been written by Semite men. All religions from Persia, India, China, Africa and the rest have been fabricated to be used as controlling apparatus to enslave, rob, rape, kill and control people.

Under the God’s name many millions of innocent children, women and men have been slaughtered and genocide continues today. Under the God’s name people are robbed, raped and murdered.

Is there a God.? Yes of course, but not the bloodthirsty Yahweh.! The reality and the evidence of Divine’s existence presented by the religious mullahs cause a great deal of skepticism. Because we are forced to see and understand god through the lens of religion, not through honest observation of clearly demonstrated facts and evidences of the Divine all around us.

Pay attention to the plant life all around you.  Think about the fact that from the biggest trees to the small shrub of berries will all begin life with a small seed.  You plant the seed in mother Earth’s womb.  Automatically the seed grows stem, followed by the stem growing branches, resulting in branches create-growing leafs, buds, flowers, then fruits will emerge, you enjoy the ripen fruit in which you shall find one or more seeds to replant and reharvest all over again, thus maintain and continue life.!  Meet the Divine at work.!

Think, imagine, read and study the fact how ejaculation of millions of microscopic sperms, causes the sperms to swim towards female mammal’s egg in her uterus, trying hard to penetrate the female egg. The female egg before letting any sperm in, first will examine the sperms who made it to the egg, thus making sure only the right healthy sperm enter.

For millions of years since life began the said inspection of the approaching travelers who made it to the egg, allowed only the right sperm inside for pregnancy to occur. Without any outside intervention from the point of copulation to conception, fetus in the mother’s womb begin to grow automatically to infants, children, teenagers, adults and beyond. The said fact is the most astonishing and miraculous illustration of the endless brilliance and infinite wisdom of the Divine.!

Do you know there are two (2) different Adam & Eve stories in your religious manual.? Read both of the stories and ask yourself, “HOW AND WERE DID ALL OF THE MANY MILLIONS OF OTHER MAMMALS ON PLANET EARTH COME FROM.?”

Evil shall triumph only if good people do nothing to stop it.!